Articles of Interest

Torah Wisdom in Shidduch Dating: A Guide to Spiritual Mentorship

In the journey toward finding a life partner, the timeless wisdom of the Torah and Jewish tradition provides invaluable guidance. This guidance not only shapes the practical aspects of shidduch dating...

Taking It Slow: Navigating the Pace of New Relationships

In the dating world, where the speed of getting to know someone can vary as much as personalities do, understanding and respecting each individual's pace is crucial. Recently, a parent shared...

From Waiting to Finding: How I Took Control of My Shidduch Journey

If you're navigating the shidduch waters, my story might offer a beacon of hope. I'm Miriam, and I want to share the unexpected turn my search for a bashert took, thanks to a blend of tradition and...

Finding Harmony in Conversation: The Dance of Listening and Sharing

  Hi there, Have you ever been on a date, or even just a coffee catch-up with a friend, where the conversation felt more like a monologue than a dialogue? You know, you're nodding along...

Embracing Affirmations in Dating: A Personal Guide to Heartfelt Connections

  Dear Reader, Imagine being on a date where, amidst the usual chatter, your companion offers a genuine compliment that catches you off guard ā€“ in the best way possible. This is the heart of...

Embarking on a Journey of Dating to Marriage: My Reflections on the Seven Gates to a Lasting Union

  As someone deeply invested in the world of relationships and connection, I've always been fascinated by the myriad ways people come together to form lasting bonds. My recent exploration of...

A Serendipitous Connection: My Journey to Finding My Bashert

Hi, Iā€™m Rivka, and I'd like to share a story that's quite personal to me. It's about an unexpected encounter that led me to find my bashert, and it happened in a…...

Contemplating Connections: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Shidduchim

"Recently, I've been reflecting on the journey of shidduchim ā€“ it's a path filled with hope, but also challenges and, yes, sometimes rejection. I've realized that often, we become our own...

Embracing Tradition in Shidduchim: The Art of Active Listening

In the search for a life partner within the Orthodox Jewish community, we often turn to age-old traditions and wisdom. One of these enduring practices is the art of shidduchim, where the…...