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Become a member today and start using our advanced search tools to find appropriate matches from thousands of profiles.

Finding the right match can be challenging for singles, especially when they lack a strong network of dedicated shadchanim. But we have a solution that can truly make a difference.

Introducing Shidduch Profiles+, a platform that connects singles worldwide. It’s more than just profiles – it’s a heartfelt endeavor. With the grace of Siyata D’Shmaya and the guidance of Rabbinic experts, we’ve created a system that levels the playing field and empowers singles searching for their bashert.

Imagine a place where anonymity is respected, dignity is preserved, and meaningful connections are made. No last names or photos are required—just a genuine opportunity to find your bashert.

Join us today and experience the power of our advanced search tools. Thousands of profiles await, each holding the potential for a beautiful union. Create your profile and open the door to the possibilities that await you.

With Hashem’s Help, let’s navigate this journey with care, compassion, and hope.

Become a member today and gain access to using our advanced search tools to find appropriate matches from thousands of profiles! Create your own profile as well, allowing you to be potentially matched with the right one for you.

Full Membership Access


After submitting your profile and getting approved you will enjoy exclusive access to:

Full access to our global database with thousands of current profiles and new profiles being created on an ongoing basis.

“The Shidduch Toolkit” Audio Podcast Series by Acclaimed Author & Therapist Rabbi Shaya Ostrov

This one-time yearly charge automatically renews annually. Cancel at any time before your membership renews.